Dienstag, 25. August 2009

Chapter 1

Birthday is over - so let's get back to work.

Apparently Richard is something like Tarzan, I don't know why, but he spent most of his life in the woods with an old guy called Zedd. Well, I hope Zedd had enough wifes in his life, otherwise I pity little Richard. Despite living in the forest for a long time, he has no idea about the names of herbs. How idiotic is this? I spent 6 months with my Grandpa in the mountains and afterwards I knew every tree and bush, growing there, by name. I hope our hero is not retarted. Well, maybe he was so upset about his father leaving him alone(!!), in the woods with old Zedd, that he forgot the names of the herbs he encountered. Seems like Richards father was an oaf. I would never leave my sons alone, no matter what. Our protagonist has a brother(Michael), too who is not interested in Zedd and his lessons (I can fully understand that) and has the sense to leave his father as soon as possible.

Someday Michael, comes out of nowhere and tells Richard that their father is dead. Murdered by unknown. Something evil was involved in this case. Magic. Afterwards, Tairy is mumbling about evil vines and red things in the sky. Suddenly a woman appears on the scene, who is stalked by four men. End of the chapter. I smell rape.

Oh yeah - the prose is really bad. But maybe I am just spoiled after reading GRRM and Hobb.

Freitag, 21. August 2009

Everything has a beginning

Thanks to the guys over at westeros.org I decided to read the whole Sword of Truth Saga by the magnificent author Terry Goodkind. What you don't know him? Pity you! He is a New York Times Bestseller Author and - according to some - has written the best novels in the Fantasy genre.
Right now I am going to order his first book Wizard's First Rule. Apparently it is about a guy called Richard who is a serious ass-kicker. He has to learn a secret rule in order to beat the crap out of lots of really mean guys to safe three nations and to get 77 virgins.

I will check amazon.de/co.uk and the Book Depository for this bestseller. It shouldn't take long. So stay with me, we are sure in for a wild ride.

PS: English is not my native language. So forgive me for all failures you might encounter. It would be most appreciated if you could correct them, without mocking me. If you mock me, I will make sure that that Richard hunts you down. You should be afraid. Seriously. From what I've heard, even GREGOR is no match for this guy. Watch out!

UPDATE: Just borrowed the book from a friend. WTF the cover painting looks sooo bad. Some guy who is holding a sword in his hand, while talking to a nice-dressed girl. Did I mention that he is riding a dragon? A red, ugly dragon? Somehow the guy (I think it is Richard) looks like he is on drugs, well maybe that would explain why there is also another person riding behind him and an old man watchting the whole scene. Richard is delusional. That, or the cover artist just fucked up.
Have a look: http://nishitak.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/6a00fae8e282db000b011015f44fea860b-500pi.jpg

Oh yeah - I think I am not going to enjoy my future. Wohoo.